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How to Find Owners of Properties
in Kentucky

Georgetown Scott County Kentucky Real Estate

To find a property owner in Kentucky, you have the option of doing it yourself or hiring a search specialist. This could be a commercial service provider like or a title search agency.

If you're undertaking the search yourself, you can check appropriate public records to obtain the property ownership information you need.

Below, let's go through some proven and efficient ways to determine the owner of a property in Kentucky:

Start With the Kentucky Land Office

The Kentucky Land Office under the Secretary of State maintains all records related to patents issued within the state's boundaries, including those from Virginia before Kentucky became a state in 1792. In the state, land is allocated via the patenting process.

The website features searchable databases with information on military warrants from the French and Indian War, Lord Dunmore's War, and the Revolutionary War, as well as non-military warrants and associated patents, among other resources.

You can also find details about Kentucky cities, including filings since 1942, their classifications, incorporation dates, and current status.

Visit the Document Recording Department

The Document Recording Department handles the recording and indexing of all legal real estate documents as mandated by the Kentucky Revised Statutes. Documents must be original unless they are certified copies recorded in another Kentucky county.

Some documents recorded you can find here include deeds, mortgages, liens, releases, wills, corporate records, and marriage licenses. The records date back to 1786 and are available in books, on microfilm, as digital images in computer systems, and online.

Consult Your County Clerk

The county clerk is responsible for recording deeds in each county in Kentucky. To be effective against purchasers without notice or creditors, individuals must record all deeds, mortgages, and other legally required documents in the county clerk's office of the county where the property, or the majority of it, is located.

For example, to find the owner of a property free in Kentucky Union County, you can use a free site that allows up to a maximum of five searches per day. This service is free of charge.

There is a separate site for businesses and individuals engaged in commercial activities. This site requires a subscription fee, and you have the option to include additional counties in your searchable area.

Search the Kentucky Land Records Website

Kentucky Land Records (KLR), in collaboration with county clerk offices throughout Kentucky, offers you online access to land records. The site allows both the public and professionals to view the same land records available at County Clerk offices through a valid subscription.

With KLR web access, in Kentucky you can find a property owner by address and download index information files directly to your computer. With a valid, flat-rate subscription, you can find ownership information across multiple counties.

Check the Legal Records Division

The Legal Records Division manages legal documents filed as public records, maintaining records from 1797 to the present. To find a property owner in Kentucky Christian County, create an account, pay for a subscription, and begin searching court records.

The database includes various real estate documents such as:

  • Deeds
  • Mortgages
  • Powers of attorney
  • Wills
  • Corporate filings
  • Tax liens
  • Military discharges
  • Trademarks
  • Assignments
  • Releases
  • Easement restrictions
  • Leases

Outsource to a Title Company

Sometimes, it is challenging to locate property records, especially when those records are not filed with the County Recorder of Deeds office. In these situations, you can get the services of a title company.

Title companies, also known as title agencies, have access to comprehensive databases of property records, including past ownership, liens, and mortgages. They can trace the full ownership history of the property, ensuring the title is clear before the sale.

The cost of a title search varies and is likely to go up if the search is more complex or entails additional services like document preparation or escrow.

Hire a Commercial Search Company

If you need more detailed information than what public sites provide, consider using third-party real estate websites that offer property ownership details. Reputable services like can help find a property owner by address in Kentucky. This platform offers extensive data on properties and their histories, enabling you to access statewide records and identify both current and past property owners. Furthermore, can help you uncover the individuals behind entities and trusts.

What Are the Different Types of Property Ownership in Kentucky?

What Are the Different Types of Property Ownership in Kentucky?

As a property owner, you have exclusive rights to possess and control your property. You can transfer ownership during your lifetime through a contract, deed, grant, lease, or gift. Depending on your type of ownership, you can transfer ownership after your death. You are also responsible for all expenses and charges related to the property.

When a single person owns property, that individual holds all rights and responsibilities. However, it is crucial to determine the division of rights and responsibilities among co-owners when they own property together. The laws governing these rights and duties differ by state.

In Kentucky, statutes specify how multiple owners can hold title to the property, primarily through three options: tenancy in common, joint tenancy, and tenancy by the entirety. It's crucial to weigh your choice, as each option comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

  • Tenancy in Common

    Tenancy in common is the default form of co-ownership in Kentucky. Unless stated otherwise in the deed, Kentucky laws consider two or more co-owners as tenants in common.

    Tenants in common can hold unequal interests in the property and can transfer their shares independently. A tenant in common's interest is subject to probate and transferable through a will.

  • Joint Tenancy with the Rights of Survivorship

    Joint tenants, often referred to as joint tenants with the right of survivorship (JTWROS), share an undivided interest in the property, with their stakes being equal.

    This arrangement typically includes a right of survivorship, allowing the surviving owner to inherit the deceased owner's share without going through probate.

    Titling property to two individuals as joint tenants with the right of survivorship helps keep the real estate out of the probate process.

  • Tenancy by the Entirety

    Kentucky's tenancy by the entirety is similar to joint tenancy but is available only to married couples. When spouses co-own real estate as tenants by the entirety with survivorship, the deceased spouse's interest transfers to the surviving spouse.

    A deed transferring real estate to spouses must explicitly declare a right of survivorship in this form of co-ownership. Tenancy by the entirety is severed if the co-owner spouses divorce, ending the tenancy by the entirety.

  • Trusts

    Trust is another form of property co-ownership in Kentucky. A trust enables two or more individuals to co-own Kentucky real estate without formally holding the title. A trustee designated in the title is the legal owner of the property.

    The beneficiaries of the trust enjoy the benefits of ownership, such as living on the property or receiving rental income. Kentucky trust law permits multiple individuals to serve as both co-trustees and beneficiaries of a trust simultaneously.

    However, one person cannot be both the sole trustee and the sole beneficiary of the trust.

Summary Table of Kentucky Property Ownership

Ownership Structure Description Benefits Implications
Sole Ownership A single individual or entity holds full ownership of the property, with no other co-owners. Absolute control over the property If the owner is married and the property serves as the family's homestead, the spouse may be required to sign the deed when the property is sold or refinanced.
Tenancy by Entirety Available only to married couples The deceased spouse's interest transfers to the surviving spouse, avoiding probate. A deed transferring real estate to spouses must explicitly declare a right of survivorship in this form of co-ownership.
Joint Tenancy With Rights of Survivorship Two or more people hold joint title to a property. Property held in joint tenancy automatically transfers to the surviving owners when one owner dies, eliminating the need for probate. Each owner, known as a joint tenant, must hold an equal share of the property.
Tenancy in Common Two parties purchase real estate together, such as for rental purposes, and both hold ownership rights, Each owner, or tenant, holds a stake in the entire property, regardless of how large their individual share is. If a co-owner passes away, their share goes to their estate and is distributed through probate.

Common Methods of Property Transfer in Kentucky

Common Methods of Property Transfer in Kentucky

Here are some common methods of property transfer in Kentucky:

  • Quitclaim Deed

    While not explicitly defined in the statutes, Kentucky recognizes quitclaim deeds as a means to transfer the rights, title, and interest in real estate from the grantor (seller) to the grantee (buyer) without offering any protections to the buyer.

    This means there could be hidden claims or restrictions on the title, and the buyer takes on the risk that the grantor might not fully own the property. Because of these uncertainties, quitclaim deeds are often used to clear titles, facilitate transfers between family members, or in situations where warranties aren't necessary.

    A valid quitclaim deed must clearly state the names and addresses of both the grantor and the grantee. Kentucky law mandates that all recorded documents or those affecting changes in property ownership include details on how the grantee will hold the title (vesting).

  • General Warranty Deed

    A Kentucky general warranty deed, often referred to simply as a warranty deed, is used to transfer real estate with a comprehensive guarantee of title.

    This type of deed assures the new owner that they will receive undisputed ownership of the property and that there are no issues with the title. If any title problems arise, the new owner has the right to sue for breach of warranty.

    The current owner who signs a warranty deed assumes the risk for potential title issues, such as:

    • Unpaid liens, assessments, and taxes
    • Errors in previous deeds that could complicate the sale
    • Claims against the property from third parties

    In Kentucky, warranty deeds are common in transferring residential real estate sold at fair market value.

  • Special Warranty Deed

    A Kentucky special warranty deed transfers real estate with a limited warranty of title. When an owner signs a special warranty deed, they guarantee a good title, but this guarantee only applies to the period during which they held the title.

    This means that the current owner and the new owner share risks that may arise from the title. Any title problems that occurred while the current owner owned the property are their responsibility, while the new owner assumes the risk for any issues that arose before the current owner took the title.

Step-by-Step Guide to Property Transfer in Kentucky

Jefferson County Courthouse Downtown Louisville Kentucky

Follow these steps to transfer property in Kentucky:

  • Locate the current deed: The current deed to the property holds essential information needed to complete a quitclaim deed. If the current owner or grantor doesn't have a copy, they can easily get it from the county clerk's office in the county where the property is located.
  • Indicate the legal description of the property: Once you have the deed, find the legal property description. You can copy this description exactly into the new deed. Be sure to include the recording information from the original deed as the recorder will need this reference to file your document.
  • Complete the deed form: Create a deed that follows the formatting guidelines set by the Kentucky County Clerk's Association. The document must include the following details:

    • Full names of both the grantor and grantee
    • Mailing addresses for both the grantor and grantee
    • Marital status of the grantor
    • Name and address of the individual who prepared the deed
    • A statement of consideration
  • Notarize the deed form: Sign the deed in the presence of a notary public. According to Kentucky law, the grantor must sign the deed, and it must be acknowledged by a notary public, subscribing witnesses, or the county clerk. If the grantor is married, the spouse must also sign the deed.
  • File the deed: Submit your deed to the county clerk in the county where the property is situated. If the property spans multiple counties, you may record the deed in the county where the property is located.

In Kentucky, a real estate transfer tax applies when recording a deed that transfers property. The tax rate is $0.50 for every $500 of the property's value. When calculating this transfer tax, the value used is the total actual consideration paid for the property, which includes any outstanding liens.

Kentucky Homeowner Lookup

Kentucky Homeowner Lookup

  • Owner(s)
  • Deed Records
  • Loans & Liens
  • Values
  • Taxes
  • Building Permits
  • Purchase History
  • Property Details
  • And More!

Kentucky Homeowner Lookup

  • Owner(s)
  • Deed Records
  • Loans & Liens
  • Values
  • Taxes
  • Building Permits
  • Purchase History
  • Property Details
  • And More!

Kentucky Homeowner Lookup

Kentucky Property Resources